The time I danced at Millennium Dance Complex! LA!!!

Guess what guys!! I was in MDC! Millennium Dance Complex! Like many of you, I have been watching my favorite dancers and choreographers perform in MDC studio on YouTube for years. I was in LA this week to attend a digital creator summit for 2 days. Once the summit ended, I knew I had to go to MDC. I booked a class with one of my favorite choreographers, the queen of fierce and sexy choreography - JoJo Gomez. I have always wanted to learn from JoJo and to know that I was going to see her in a couple hours gave me butterflies. On my way to MDC, I found out that Willdabeast, another of my favorite choreographers was conducting a Master class on the same day late in the evening. OMG!! I couldn't believe I was going to get so lucky!! I checked the distance between the two classes. 'Immaspace' was only 15 minutes from MDC. Elated, I booked his class right away. 

When I reached the studio, MDC didn't look anything like I had seen on the Internet. In front of me was a tiny building with black glasses. I was kind of taken aback. I walked into the building unsure if I was at the right place. But once inside, all my doubts disappeared. It was magnificent. Bright red and white everywhere. The walls flaunted the charismatic Matt Steffanina, Willdabeast Adams, Hamilton Evans and other choreographers of their rank. 'Love All, Serve All' message stood bold and beautiful on the center wall. I felt so happy to be around that energy. I signed up and waited for the class to start. Shortly after, JoJo arrived with her group of lady dancers. All bubbly and smiling. She looked exactly like she looks on the screen. Confident and fierce. This was a performance class. She asked us to forget that we were in a class and instead told us to dance as if we were performing on the stage. It was a super sexy feel-good piece. It was incredible to watch such a talented artist at work - full of passion and vigor. I learnt a lot not just from JoJo but also visually - by keenly observing other dancers perform. 

Next I headed to Immaspace. The vibe there was completely different. Willdabeast had plans for us to get all groovy and to simply have fun with the piece. While JoJo's class was all about clean lines, hitting hard and sticking to the choreography, Willdabeast wanted to us to let go, not worry about the technical details and let the swag flow. I found his style of teaching very enjoyable. He is very engaging, moves around a lot and gives you enough time to learn the steps. His energy is infectious. I found myself not stressing over the steps. I was literally smiling all the time as we learned the piece. It later struck me that I was sharing the dance floor with some of my favorite dancers - Jade, Bailey, Casey, Janelle, all under one roof learning from the king himself. It was a beautiful experience. Now, I am back home and I am fired up to work on my art with a fresh wave of energy and creativity.

Abhilasha JainComment