Why is dancing the most beautiful thing in this world?

I am sitting in Starbucks right now savoring my Chai Tea Latte while my body grooves to some Jamaican music playing in the background. I wasn't in my best mood to write when I entered the cafe. But man!! When I heard this beautiful melody playing, my feet began to heel-toe as I placed my order. I collected my drink and roggered rabbit to my seat. Couldn't be in a better mood to write :)

Working on my isolations as I type in ;) Dance lets you connect to everything around you, whether living or not. You perceive the world a little different than others. Once you enter the world of dance, everything has more color and more flavor to it. Your walk isn't the normal boring walk, it transforms into a step and slide, step and slide. Your shoulders don't dangle anymore, they pop in and pop out as you step and slide down the alley. And when that pen drops off your desk, you don't just pick it up, you body wave down and you arm wave it up. And talk about music!! Music has so much more spice to it than it had ever before. You don't just hear the lyrics, you are creating moves in your head to every hee haa! bass! tiki tiki, duMM, chee ka ka, oooooo...

A dancer is always performing World is your stage. Every mood has a dance for it. Are you happy? great! Sad, even better! Extreme emotions bring the best out in an artist. Dance is an outlet for all your emotions, make it your friend and you will never be alone. Whatever you are going through in life, good or bad, you can always dance it off! Funny story, last night I was feeling a little cold as in my nose felt funny. I was hell bent upon not getting sick as I had to audition for a dance team today. Guess what! I danced it off. I just danced for hours in my bedroom in front of my wall-sized mirror. I got all warmed up and started sweating. I put a jacket on and slept. Next morning, I was doing way better than I would be otherwise. My cold didn't worsen and I got in the auditions :D

If you are a dancer, high chances are that you are hanging out with a lot of other dancers. Dancing is more physical than mental. It is about giving your brain a break and letting your body connect to your soul. Imagine when you are spending most of your time surrounded by people who are connected to themselves, there would be more laughs in the group and more deep talks than the surface layer smiles and talks. Dancing allows you to travel with people you love hanging out with and gives you opportunities to meet more awesome people. The stage is scary but it is also the best way to know yourself, know what you are really made of. And once you know, you can work on it, hone it and make it fierce and beautiful.

All lights on you, all eyes on you, you are gonna create magic! And once you have performed your trick, the room lights up with the thunderous roar of claps and as you leave, you can still sense the excitement in their voices. Life is beautiful! Life is perfect! How? Dance challenges your body and mind to be uncomfortable in ways which are only going to help you grow. Growth means progression. Progress equals happiness. It is the most amazing way to discover what lies beneath the flesh and blood. It is pure beauty. 

Shimmy sign off!! ;P



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