How to dance without your feet?

The unfortunate happened. I sprained my toe last week. I wish I had a super dramatic story for it like how I twisted my ankle doing a double spin when social dancing or how while learning Kung Fu, I hit the brick wall too hard. But Nah! It literally happened while I was grocery shopping with my friend in Walmart. I tickled him, he jumped up and his heel hit my toe. That did it. First, it felt like the pain would go away overnight but to my horror, I woke up with a big swelling around my middle toe the next morning. The doctor said I cannot dance for another 6 weeks!!

SIX WEEKS!! Are you kidding me??

I felt like everything came crumbling down. How will I make my weekly YouTube dance tutorials? How will I train with my Boogie Wonders dance crew for the upcoming performances in LA? How would I function without dance?? All these doubts started haunting me and made me sad! But they didn't last long! Remember, how I always talk about not just training your body but your mind as well? By now, I have conditioned my brain to not go or stay in panic mode for too long. Within a couple of days, I started coming up with innovative ideas on how to continue my training while my foot was recovering. This event also gave me time to focus on other things in my life which were otherwise getting ignored.

So, there's this dance style called Waacking(a relatively new dance style which predominantly use fast arm movements) which I have absolutely fallen in love with over the last few months. I instantly knew that this is the time to dedicate more time and energy into drilling Waacking moves. As I am writing this, I am in the second week of recovery and once I am done with this blog, I will go back to Waacking those arms!

While my feet are resting, my passion to create is pushing me to find alternate ways to choreograph. I sit, and I listen to music on repeat. I internalize the feeling into movements. This process of creating choreography in my head is helping me really connect to music. I believe this practice will give a whole new definition to my art. 

While my creative side is booming, I am also investing a lot of my time reading books and learning from the best online. I am learning how to invest, how to grow my business, how to meditate and tons of other good stuff. I am now starting to see the goodness of this all. I am a strong believer that everything happens for a reason. And me spraining my toe might be an indication that I needed to take a step back and reorient my actions. I believe that I will emerge as a much stronger dancer with a clearer sense of purpose when I touch the dance floor again.