Why do you dance?

When I am lost is when I find myself. The deeper I fall, the higher I rise. The more I struggle, the finer my art gets. Its alchemy.  I don't know what lies ahead, it is scary but I am curious to find out. It is like driving on a foggy night. I sometimes see silhouettes in the distance but don't know what they mean. All I have is faith and I keep driving.  It is the journey I am in love with, end goal is nothing but that pole star which guides the direction of my steps. I rise every morning with a new hope, I strive, I sweat, I see some wins, I face more failures, I keep going and when I am dead, i sleep. Next day, I rise again with a new hope. I don't want your fancy cars and your shiny clothes, I want the satisfaction that comes from working hard and in seeing your vision come to life bit-by-bit every single day.

Why do I dance? I dance because it makes me truly happy. Every single cell in my body fires up when my feet touches the dance floor. I feel no stress, no anxiety but the pure joy of being alive. Everything zooms out. I am the axis and the world revolves around me. I have a higher purpose. This is my calling. To serve the universe with my gift.