Should I Pursue Dance as a Career?

If this question has been troubling you for a while now, I am assuming you are someone who loves dancing, has some level of training in a dance form and is in a dilemma of choosing between a career in Dance and getting or staying in a 9 to 5 job. The resistance your ego throws at you when you are trying to pursue your calling is enormous and its mostly through conscious recognizance of that resistance is that we are able to overcome it. Now let me ask you a question - What if I told you that you have only 1 more year left on this earth? What would you do? If your love for dancing is real, you won't waste a second on finding that job- because a job is just supposed to give you surface level happiness. It is meant to satisfy your ego, meet your parents expectation and make the society feel validated. When you are confronted with questions on life and death, reality strikes and there is a paradigm shift in your consciousness. The ego is stammered! And the Self takes in Control. Self knows what will make you genuinely happy. And when you know what you love and that you have limited time on this earth, would you waste a single second doing something you don't love?  I guess not. When clouded with doubts, ask yourself such questions which hit your core and you will know what you need to do.

Now with that said, I am not suggesting you to leave everything and jump right into dancing professionally. To be able to dance professionally, you first need to train yourself. And if that for you means working two jobs alongside your training, do that! Because you can't ignore the reality, you need money to survive. Yes, you might hate your work! It might suck for a while! Actually, it will suck for a long while. But let that fire propel you to train hard, harder than everyone else. But when you know you have got it,  you will be prepared to quit that job and stride into the new life. A life of your dreams, where you are the boss, where every single day you create magic, where love is the foundation of all you create. 

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